Thursday, February 3, 2011

The importance of treating small cuts or wounds


Every once in a while, we will get ourselves into little mishap. A razor cut, picking on pimples, knife cut, pet bites/scratches, fall, bang and almost anything that will result in either small or big cuts and wounds. Some of us usually neglects small cuts. Well, let us not. I've had some small cuts or wounds previously, all which I ignored and left untreated. The result? Bad infection and unsightly marks.

1. Now, first of all, if you have any small cuts or big ones, stop the bleeding. 
2. Apply pressure to the cuts or wounds with your fingers or hands or better with some tissues or gauze. 
3. Once the bleeding stop, check the cuts or wounds and clean it/them with clean water and put antiseptic on it/them. Antiseptic such as Betadine is very good to prevent infection to your cuts/wounds.
4. NEVER put things like Dettol directly onto the cuts/wounds. Dettol can be used to clean your good hand(s) before treating your cuts/wounds, but never meant as the antiseptic for cuts/wounds. Use diluted Dettol to clean your equipments and stuffs used to treat your cuts/wounds.
5. Cover the cuts/wounds with plaster, preferably a water resistant plaster. Replace the plaster once or twice a day until the cuts/wound dry.
6. Don't pick on the scab. If it itches too much, put on a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream. That should do.
7. Once the scab falls, put Vitamin E oil/lotion on the scar. The skin will recover in no time. Bio-Oil works for me.

Hope this helps.

1 comment:

  1. i aaaaaaallllways pick on scabs

    resistance is futile! ;p
